The view over Karaköy from the rooftop of the old Han. Such a bless! Olga Alexopoulou thank you for taking me there! What a place! We went over there again to shoot with Lale Aktay and we had to pay a fortune to the old guy who holds the keys to the rooftop. Horrible guy. I wanted to punch him. But in the end it was worth all the money.Galata bridge : No matter how many times a day I walk on this bridge I discover something new and something old that has been there long before me. There’s no way you can get bored on this bridge.L. took this picture of this guy. He was selling çay (tea) in Karaköy. Tea in Istanbul is everywhere. And it tastes much better than tea in London.Fish, fish, fish, fish, FISH! They always fish on this bridge! The water is filthy, yet fishing here never stops!On the boat to Kadiköy to meet Nev. Its funny. In Istanbul you either observe people or the sea. They are both endless.
Bosphorus again.
The view over Karaköy from the rooftop of the old Han. Such a bless! Olga Alexopoulou thank you for taking me there! What a place! We went over there again to shoot with Lale Aktay and we had to pay a fortune to the old guy who holds the keys to the rooftop. Horrible guy. I wanted to punch him. But in the end it was worth all the money.I always enjoy taking a nap on the thick carpets of the mosques. Mosques are the most silent places I have ever visited. Well, at least, until the Muezzin calls to prayer.Doing as others told me, I was Blind. / Coming when others called me, I was Lost. / then I left everyone, myself as well. / then I found Everyone, Myself as well. – C. RumiOut of focus today.