Is mobility necessary for man to be able to cope with the immobility caused by fear?
Certainly. Let us not forget that mobility is God’s raw material. In order to exist he was forced to send over the best part of himself, his son, who, in his turn, sent his Apostles to spread the message all over the world. It was mobility that spawned the Iliad, and through that experience we have acquired each our own Iliad. If something doesn’t move it dies, hence the time of mobility is indefinite.
Is mobility a sortie?
Yes, and in most cases a forced sortie, a Missolonghi. When things come to a head, people become desperate enough to attempt a Missolonghi-like exodus.
When does mobility become an impasse?
Mobility turns into an impasse, into death, when the demon of one, which we all carry within us, fails to make the leap into becoming the demon of all, which is a kind of immortality. Because of this handicap, those who are stuck with the demon of one do not get a full view of their life; blindness ensues, and then debility is not far off.
What does mobility mean for those who receive foreigners into the immobility of their everyday life?
The refugees are already ruined because they were set in motion by the ‘father of all’, as Heraclitus says: by war! Also because they wish to find a place in which to settle in peace, as they have a right to, but without realising it they catch from us the disease of immobility, which has been known for centuries to be contagious.
The poet and painter Yorgos Kakoulidis, having swallowed a piece of sharp-edged truth, talks like another Shaman to the well-known Greek journalist Thanassis Lalas about the beneficial effects of mobility, from Homer’s time to this day. (NOMAS Transit p. 88)